Bug out bag food in a bug out bag, also known as a “ready bag” or “go bag,” is a portable emergency kit that contains essential items for survival in case of an emergency. While the bag is designed to last for 72 hours, it is important to include the right type and quantity of food to sustain you during this period.

When selecting food for your bug out bag, consider factors such as calories, size, nutritional value, shelf-life, and ease of preparation. Optimal food choices for bug out bags include beef jerky, nuts, seeds, raisins, beans, peanut butter, instant noodles, instant oatmeal, dried soup, sardine tins, dried fruit, salami/pepperoni, trail mix, military MREs, emergency food bars, rice, pouched meats, caffeine and sugar items, and vitamins. Avoid packing canned foods and fresh fruits and vegetables due to their size, weight, and potential for spoilage. Additionally, make sure to pack utensils and cooking equipment to easily consume your food in an emergency situation.

Key Takeaways:

  • Choose bug out bag food that is lightweight, compact, and has a long shelf-life.
  • Consider the nutritional value and ease of preparation when selecting food for your bug out bag.
  • Include items such as beef jerky, nuts, seeds, instant noodles, and dried fruit in your bug out bag food list.
  • Avoid packing bulky canned foods and fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Don’t forget to pack utensils and cooking equipment for easy food consumption during emergencies.

By being prepared with the right bug out bag food, you can ensure that you have the necessary sustenance for survival in any emergency.

The Importance of Bug Out Bag Food

When it comes to surviving in an emergency situation, having adequate food in your bug out bag is essential. While the human body can survive without food for a few weeks, it is not ideal for prolonged periods. Lack of proper nutrition can lead to weakness, sickness, and other complications. Therefore, it is important to pack enough food for 3 days in your bug out bag, as that is the intended duration of the bag’s supplies. The food you choose should be highly caloric, lightweight, and provide essential nutrients to keep you energized. It should also have a long shelf-life to ensure it doesn’t spoil during storage. Additionally, the food should be easy to prepare, as you may have limited cooking supplies. By selecting the right bug out bag food, you can ensure that you have the necessary sustenance to survive in any emergency situation.


Factors to Consider When Choosing Bug Out Bag Food

long shelf life foodWhen selecting food for your bug out bag, there are several factors to consider. Firstly, the food should have a long shelf-life, as your bug out bag is meant to last for 72 hours but could potentially need to sustain you for longer. Look for foods that are specifically designed for long-term storage and have expiration dates far into the future.

Secondly, the food should be lightweight and compact to minimize the space it takes up in your bug out bag. Consider items that come in resealable bags or individual packaging to save space and reduce bulk.

Finally, the food should provide a good balance of nutrients and energy to keep you nourished and fueled during an emergency situation. Pay attention to the calorie content, macronutrient composition, and overall nutritional value of the food you choose to pack in your bug out bag.

By considering these factors, you can ensure that your bug out bag food is optimized for survival and disaster preparedness.

Top Bug Out Bag Food Choices

bug out bag foodWhen it comes to selecting the best bug out bag food, there are several options to consider. Here are some top choices that provide the necessary sustenance for survival in any emergency:

1. Beef Jerky

Beef jerky is an excellent choice for bug out bags. It is high in protein, comes in various flavors, and has a long shelf-life, making it a convenient and nutritious option.

2. Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are lightweight, compact, and nutrient-dense options, offering fiber, protein, and essential vitamins and minerals. They provide sustained energy and are a great snack to have on hand.

3. Raisins

Raisins are packed with carbohydrates and calories, making them an ideal choice for a quick burst of energy during emergencies. They are lightweight, easy to carry, and have a long shelf-life.

4. Beans

If you have access to a portable stove for cooking, beans can be a nutritious and delicious meal option. They are a good source of protein, fiber, and essential nutrients, and can be easily stored in a bug out bag.

5. Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a versatile and protein-rich option for bug out bags. It comes in convenient single-serving packets, making it easy to portion and consume. Peanut butter is also high in healthy fats and can provide a sense of comfort during stressful situations.

6. Instant Noodles and Instant Oatmeal

Instant noodles and instant oatmeal are lightweight, easy to prepare, and require only boiling water. These compact meals provide carbohydrates and satisfy hunger quickly, making them ideal for emergencies.

7. Dried Soup Mixes

Dried soup mixes can be stored in small bags or envelopes, making them a space-saving option for bug out bags. They offer a quick and nutritious meal option when combined with hot water, providing warmth and comfort in emergency situations.

8. Sardine Tins

Sardine tins are high in protein and come in compact sizes, making them an excellent choice for bug out bags. They provide essential nutrients and can be enjoyed as a standalone snack or added to other foods for a more substantial meal.

9. Dried Fruit

Dried fruit serves as a source of natural sugars for energy and is a great alternative to fresh fruit in bug out bags. It is lightweight, has a long shelf-life, and offers essential vitamins and minerals.

10. Salami/Pepperoni Slices

Salami and pepperoni slices are portable and can be enjoyed as a snack or added to other foods for a more satisfying meal. They are high in protein and healthy fats, providing both energy and flavor in emergency situations.

11. Trail Mix

Trail mix combines various ingredients such as nuts, dried fruit, and seeds, providing a tasty and nutritious snack option. It offers a balance of carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats, keeping you nourished and energized during emergencies.

12. Military MREs and Emergency Food Bars

Military MREs (Meals Ready-to-Eat) and emergency food bars are specifically designed for maximum endurance in survival situations. They provide a full meal in a compact package, offering a variety of nutrients to sustain you during emergencies.

13. Rice and Pouched Meats

Rice and pouched meats are versatile options that can be cooked with the right equipment. They offer a good balance of carbohydrates and protein, providing a hearty meal option for bug out bags.

14. Items with Caffeine and Sugar

Including items with caffeine and sugar in bug out bags can help keep you energized during stressful situations. Consider packing tea bags, drink mixes, or instant coffee to provide a quick energy boost when needed.

15. Vitamins

Don’t forget to pack vitamins to ensure you get essential nutrients during an emergency. They can help supplement any nutritional gaps and support overall well-being.

By including these bug out bag food choices, you can be prepared for any survival situation. Remember to consider factors such as shelf-life, nutritional value, and ease of preparation when selecting the best food for your bug out bag.

Beef JerkyHigh in protein, various flavors, long shelf-life
Nuts and SeedsLightweight, nutrient-dense, fiber, protein, essential vitamins and minerals
RaisinsCarbohydrates, calories, energy
BeansProtein, fiber, nutritious meal
Peanut ButterVersatile, protein-rich, convenient single-serving packets
Instant Noodles and Instant OatmealLightweight, easy to prepare, carbohydrates
Dried Soup MixesQuick, nutritious meals, space-saving
Sardine TinsProtein, compact size
Dried FruitNatural sugars, vitamins, lightweight
Salami/Pepperoni SlicesProtein, healthy fats, portable
Trail MixTasty, nutritious snack, carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats
Military MREs and Emergency Food BarsEndurance food, full meal, compact package
Rice and Pouched MeatsHearty meal, carbohydrates, protein
Items with Caffeine and SugarEnergy boost, tea bags, drink mixes, instant coffee
VitaminsNutritional support, overall well-being


In conclusion, when it comes to preparing a bug out bag for emergencies, selecting the right food is crucial. You need options that are highly caloric, lightweight, compact, and have a long shelf-life. It’s important to consider factors such as calories, size, nutritional value, and ease of preparation when choosing the best food for your bug out bag.

Beef jerky, nuts, seeds, raisins, beans, peanut butter, instant noodles, instant oatmeal, dried soup, sardine tins, dried fruit, salami/pepperoni, trail mix, military MREs, emergency food bars, rice, pouched meats, caffeine and sugar items, and vitamins are all excellent choices to include in your bug out bag food list. These options provide a balance of nutrients and energy to keep you nourished during an emergency.

Avoid packing bulky canned foods and fresh fruits and vegetables that have a short shelf-life. Instead, opt for non-perishable and long shelf-life options that take up less space in your bag. Remember to pack utensils and cooking equipment to easily consume your food in an emergency situation. By being prepared with the right bug out bag food, you can ensure that you have the necessary sustenance for survival in any emergency.


What is a bug out bag?

A bug out bag, also known as a “ready bag” or “go bag,” is a portable emergency kit that contains essential items for survival in case of an emergency.

How long is a bug out bag designed to last?

A bug out bag is designed to last for 72 hours.

Why is it important to include food in a bug out bag?

Lack of proper nutrition can lead to weakness, sickness, and other complications. Therefore, it is important to pack enough food for 3 days in your bug out bag, as that is the intended duration of the bag’s supplies.

What factors should I consider when selecting bug out bag food?

When selecting bug out bag food, consider factors such as calories, size, nutritional value, shelf-life, and ease of preparation.

What are some optimal food choices for bug out bags?

Optimal food choices for bug out bags include beef jerky, nuts, seeds, raisins, beans, peanut butter, instant noodles, instant oatmeal, dried soup, sardine tins, dried fruit, salami/pepperoni, trail mix, military MREs, emergency food bars, rice, pouched meats, caffeine and sugar items, and vitamins.

What foods should I avoid packing in a bug out bag?

Avoid packing canned foods and fresh fruits and vegetables due to their size, weight, and potential for spoilage.

Should I pack utensils and cooking equipment in my bug out bag?

Yes, it is important to pack utensils and cooking equipment to easily consume your food in an emergency situation.