Ultimate Guide to Your Wilderness Survival Kit

A guide to u kmow what to pack in your wilderness survival kit

The Complete Wilderness Survival Kit Guide – Everything You Need to Know

Hey there outdoor enthusiast! Are you looking to venture out into the great unknown on a camping, hiking, or hunting trip soon? Then you absolutely need to take the time to assemble a comprehensive wilderness survival kit to have with you.

A proper wilderness survival kit is truly essential equipment for any outdoor adventure. It could legitimately save your life if an emergency arises. In this in-depth guide, I want to walk through everything you should know about wilderness survival kits so you can customize the perfect setup for your needs.

wilderness survival kit

Why a Wilderness Survival Kit is Crucial


Picture this – you’re deep in the wilderness when suddenly things go very wrong. Maybe you slip crossing a river and break your leg. Perhaps a massive storm hits your campsite unexpectedly. Or you lose your way and find yourself stranded without navigation tools.

A well-stocked wilderness survival kit contains supplies to meet critical survival needs in these types of emergencies, including:

  • Sturdy shelter to get you out of the elements
  • Reliable fire starting tools to create warmth, light, cooking flames and rescue signals
  • Ample food rations and water filtration to sustain you for an unknown duration
  • Complete first aid inventory to treat any injuries until full medical care is accessible
  • Trusty navigation tools like a map, compass, GPS device so you can find your way
  • Communication devices like a satellite communicator or signal flare to call for help
  • Multi-purpose items like paracord, duct tape and knives to improvise survival solutions

Having these items in an emergency wilderness survival kit provides safety, reduces fear, and could truly save your life if disaster strikes. Don’t take the risk of venturing out unprepared!

Customizing Your Wilderness Survival Kit


While certain core items are recommended for all wilderness survival kits, you’ll want to tailor the contents of your kit based on details of your specific trip such as:

  • Length of your trip – Just an overnight or a week-long expedition? The longer you’ll be out, the more supplies you’ll need.
  • Group size – Just you solo or a large family group? You’ll need more capacity for bigger groups.
  • Weather/terrain – Snowy mountains? Sandy desert? Tropical jungle? Gear choices will vary.
  • Your skill level – Total beginner or experienced outdoor veteran? Experts can get by with less.
  • Planned activities – Backpacking, climbing, fishing, hunting and other activities may require specialized gear.

Take the time to thoroughly assess the details of your adventure and outdoor conditions. Use expert wilderness survival tips to choose well-suited gear for your expected needs and environment. I always recommend redundancy for critical items like fire, first aid, and emergency communication tools.


While customized, essential items for every wilderness survival kit include:

Emergency Shelter A tent, bivvy, tarp or hammock that fits your party and weather conditions. Reliable protection from the elements.

Fire Starting Tools Waterproof matches, lighters, spark rods, tinder and kindling to start fires even in damp conditions.

Signaling/Communication Devices
Whistle, signal mirror, flare, satellite communicator. Summon help from rescuers when needed.

First Aid Supplies Fully stocked trauma kit – bandages, medications, instruments to treat cuts, breaks, burns.

Food Rations and Water Filtration Enough food and a portable water filter to meet daily nutritional needs throughout trip.

Navigation Tools Maps, compass, GPS device and extra batteries. Avoid getting lost if stranded.

Multi-use Gear Knives, paracord, duct tape, fishing line. Improvise solutions with available items.

Additional Essentials Headlamp, toilet paper, sunscreen, bug spray. Meet critical needs.


Additional gear to consider for your custom kit based on the specifics of your trip:

  • Camp stove, pots/pans, utensils for cooking hearty meals
  • Battery pack, cables, solar charger to keep electronics powered
  • Emergency space blanket for retaining body heat if injured
  • Bear spray if wildlife encounters are possible
  • Waterproof storage bags to keep essential items dry
  • Cash/ID/permits stored securely in case you lose your pack
  • Folding saw or shovel for digging, building camp features
  • Additional base layer clothing, socks, gloves, hat for variable weather

Take the time to thoroughly assemble your perfect wilderness survival kit. Combine it with proper skills training and you’ll be fully prepared to take on an epic outdoor adventure! Stay safe out there!

Q: What are the most essential items to include in the Best survival kit you can make?

A: The most essential items for a wilderness survival kit include a tent or shelter, fire starting tools, signaling devices, first aid supplies, food and water provisions, navigation tools like a map and compass, and multi-purpose gear like a knife or paracord.

Q: Why is proper wilderness survival training important before an outdoor adventure?

A: Wilderness survival training provides crucial skills like primitive fire starting, natural navigation techniques, and first aid that allow you to better handle emergencies if your wilderness survival kit fails. It’s an essential complement to your gear.

Q: What should you look for in a quality survival kit shelter?

A: Choose a durable, waterproof wilderness survival shelter like a tent, tarp or bivvy that’s lightweight and packable. Make sure it’s adequate for your group size and appropriate for the weather conditions you expect.

Q: How can you start a fire in wet wilderness conditions without matches?

A: Primitive wilderness fire starting methods like flint and steel, friction fire methods with a hand drill, or using a magnifying glass and the sun can ignite fires even in damp conditions without relying on matches.

Q: Why are signaling devices important to include in a survival kit?

A: Signaling devices like mirrors, whistles, flares or beacons allow you to call for emergency help from rescuers and rangers if you become injured, stranded or lost in the wilderness.

Q: What first aid supplies should you pack in a wilderness survival kit?

A: A wilderness first aid kit should contain bandages, gauze, medications, instruments, treatments, etc. to handle cuts, burns, sprains and other common injuries until full medical care is available.

Q: How can you find food and water in the wilderness without supplies?

A: Foraging for edible plants/insects, trapping wild game, and locating natural water sources are key wilderness survival skills for procuring food and water without your full kit.

Q: What natural navigation techniques can help you navigate the wilderness?

A: Reading terrain, stars, sun position, landmarks, and marking trails help navigation without modern tools if your wilderness survival kit compass or GPS fails.

Q: Why is having a wilderness survival kit important for outdoor safety?

A: A wilderness survival kit provides essential tools, shelter, sustenance and navigation gear to overcome emergencies and stay alive in the wilderness until help arrives.

Q: What should you look for in a quality survival kit?

A: Choose durable, portable gear tailored for your specific trip details and climate. Prioritize redundancy for critical tools like fire, navigation, first aid. And get proper training!

You Want the Best Survival Kit when an emergency Happens

Having the best survival kit packed with essential gear can mean the difference between life and death in an emergency situation out in the wilderness. When assembling the ideal survival kit, be sure to include versatile items that serve multiple purposes like a reliable knife, fire starters, paracord, and duct tape. Gear to aid in shelter, water purification, navigation, first aid, signaling, and food procurement are survival kit necessities. Choose durable, lightweight equipment that is easy to transport and meets your expected needs based on factors like climate, terrain, and length of excursion. Tailor your survival kit to your specific situation. With the right preparation and equipment in the best survival kit, you can overcome any challenges faced in the wilderness. Stay safe on your adventures with critical survival gear at the ready.