Off The Grid Water Heating

A Guide to Off The Grid Heating water

Off-the-Grid Water Heating: An In-Depth Guide to Sustainable Hot Water Systems


Living off the grid is all about being self-sufficient and utilizing renewable systems. So when it comes to getting hot water for bathing, washing dishes, etc., we have to get creative without hooking into electrical or gas utilities.

The good news is there are several excellent and eco-friendly options for heating water off-grid, whether you’re homesteading, living in a cabin, or enjoying tiny house life. In this in-depth guide, we’ll thoroughly explore different systems for getting that precious hot water sustainably.

Off-the-Grid Water Heating: An In-Depth Guide to Sustainable Hot Water Systems


Living off the grid is all about being self-sufficient and utilizing renewable systems. So when it comes to getting hot water for bathing, washing dishes, etc., we have to get creative without hooking into electrical or gas utilities.

The good news is there are several excellent and eco-friendly options for heating water off-grid, whether you’re homesteading, living in a cabin, or enjoying tiny house life. In this in-depth guide, we’ll thoroughly explore different systems for getting that precious hot water sustainably.

Why Off-Grid Hot Water Matters

Now that we know what off-grid entails, why go through the trouble of finding alternative water heating systems? Why not just heat some water on your stovetop when you need a bath?

Here are the main benefits hot water systems provide for off-grid living:

  • Convenience – On-demand hot water whenever you need it, for showering, dishes, laundry, etc. No need to manually boil pots of water!
  • Efficiency – Automated systems heat water as needed, rather than letting tanks of hot water cool constantly.
  • Comfort – Nothing beats a nice steamy shower or bath! Hot water provides modern comforts off-grid.
  • Cleanliness – Heated water kills more germs and allows better cleaning of yourself, clothing, dishes, etc. This can improve health.

So in short, finding an efficient off-grid hot water system helps make off-grid life more convenient, comfortable, and clean!

Off-Grid Propane Water Heaters

One of the most popular solutions for off-grid hot water is to use propane systems. Propane works great because it’s an off-grid ready fuel source – no electrical hookup required! Here’s how it works:

  • Large external propane tank (like those used for gas grills) supplies the fuel
  • Propane line runs from tank to the water heating unit
  • Unit ignite propane as needed to heat water on-demand
  • Excess exhaust gases vent externally through a flue

Propane tankless water heaters are a great option since they only heat water as it’s being used, rather than maintaining a whole tank at temperature. You can get indoor or outdoor units. Outdoor units save interior space but may require extra insulation in cold climates.

For a temporary or rental off-grid situation, portable propane tankless heaters offer hot water on the go. Suitcase-sized units connect to small portable tanks for ease of transport.

While not the most eco-friendly, propane provides consistent and comfortable hot water completely off the electrical grid. Maintenance is also low compared to some systems.

gas water heater off grid

Propane Water Heating Pros and Cons



  • No need for electrical hookup – works off-grid
  • On-demand unlimited hot water when needed
  • 24/7 reliability and consistency
  • Lower maintenance than some alternatives
  • Indoor and outdoor units available


  • Not as environmentally sustainable as solar or wood heat
  • Requires a large propane tank and regular fuel deliveries
  • Cold climates may necessitate indoor models and insulation
  • Propane cost may be expensive over time

DIY Solar Hot Water Systems


For the most sustainable and renewable source of off-grid hot water, solar water heating is tough to beat! Solar thermal systems use energy from the sun to provide free hot water indefinitely. Here’s how they work:

  • Solar collector panel(s) mounted on roof
  • Sun heats anti-freeze solution in collectors
  • Heated liquid transfers to heat exchanger
  • Heat exchanger warms water in well-insulated storage tanks
  • Water remains hot in tanks until needed

You can build your own solar collector box from copper pipes in an insulated frame, and add used hot water tanks for storage.

While not cheap, a DIY solar hot water system will provide free and green hot water with very low maintenance for years to come! Pre-made solar water heating kits are also available to simplify installation.

solar heating off grid

Solar Hot Water Heating: Pros and Cons


  • 100% renewable energy from the sun
  • Zero electricity or fuel costs after installation
  • Extremely low carbon footprint
  • Environmentally sustainable forever
  • Can supplement home heating


  • High upfront costs for materials and labour
  • Storage tanks lose heat overnight without sun
  • Needs full sun exposure for collector
  • Can freeze in colder climates
  • May need electrical circulation pump

Wood-Fired Hot Water Heaters


If you live in a forested area with access to free or cheap firewood, then a wood-fired hot water heater may be a perfect off-grid option. Here’s the basic functionality:

  • Fueled by natural wood, chopped and dried
  • Wood is burned in a combustion chamber
  • Hot exhaust gases or steam heat water in connected tank
  • Insulated storage tank(s) hold heated water until needed

These systems operate much like wood furnaces or boilers, just specifically for heating water. Feed wood as needed while enjoying both hot water and the ambiance of a wood fire.

You can retrofit an existing water heater or build your own wood-fired system relatively inexpensively. Though you’ll need to stock up on wood.

Wood-Fired Hot Water Heating: Pros and Cons



  • Uses free/cheap natural wood as fuel
  • Provides cozy ambiance of wood stove
  • Can supplement home heating
  • Lower upfront cost than solar options
  • Self-sufficient and renewable fuel source


  • Need good supply of firewood
  • Labor intensive to prepare wood
  • Air pollution/smoke concerns
  • Risk of fire must be properly managed
  • Not as user-friendly or automated

Electric Tankless and Mini Water Heaters


While not as off-grid as other options, electric tankless or small tank water heaters can be used with solar power systems or generators to provide comfortable hot water.

Electric heaters use heating elements to warm water as it flows through the unit, so no tank stands full of constantly heated water.

Carefully calculate the electrical load and size the heater appropriately. Under-powered units result in lukewarm showers! For solar systems, larger battery banks can run heaters directly or use a generator as backup.

Though not as sustainable as solar or wood energy, electric heaters provide modern, convenient tankless hot water with renewable solar electricity.

Electric Hot Water Heating: Pros and Cons



  • On-demand endless hot water when you want it
  • Compact tankless design saves space
  • Can tie into existing off-grid power system
  • Contemporary water heating convenience


  • Not fully off-grid – needs electricity
  • Solar power system must be sized accordingly
  • Risk of lukewarm water if underpowered
  • Less eco-friendly than other options

Get Creative with Off-Grid Hot Water!


As you can see, with some creativity there are several excellent options for sustainably heating water off the grid. Whether you opt for propane, solar, wood-fired, electric, or another alternative system, you can say goodbye to utility bills and enjoy self-sufficient steaming hot showers!

I hope this in-depth guide gives you confidence that getting comfortable off-grid hot water is very doable. Now get out there and start enjoying the many perks that come with renewable water heating methods. Here’s to your off-grid independence plus the simple luxury of hot showers and baths!