Healthy Non Perishable Food

A guide to help in choosing healthy non perishable foods
healthy non perishable foods

Stay Nourished With A Well-Stocked Pantry: The Pros of Healthy Non Perishable Foods

Non perishable foods are items that have an extended shelf life and don’t require refrigeration. This makes them extremely convenient to stock up on and provide ongoing access to nutrients. Keeping a supply of non perishable foods offers many important benefits:

  • Convenience – Non perishables are ready to eat and require no extra preparation compared to fresh foods. You don’t have to run to the store as often either.
  • Shelf stability – Properly stored non perishables can last for months or years without spoiling. This makes them ideal for stocking up an emergency pantry or food reserves.
  • Emergency preparedness – Having non perishable supplies is crucial for weather disruptions, power outages, or other crisis scenarios when fresh food is not available.
  • Portability – Non perishables are lightweight and transportable for activities like camping, hiking, travel, and outdoor recreation.
  • Budget-friendly – Shelf-stable items are typically inexpensive sources of nutrients, important for those with limited incomes or food budgets.

This article will provide guidance on stocking up on nutritious and healthy non perishable food options for any purpose.

Health Benefits of Non perishable Foods

When chosen well, non perishable foods can contribute valuable vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients:

  • High in fibre – Canned and dried beans, whole grains, nuts, and certain fruits and vegetables provide filling fibre.
  • Vitamins and minerals – Essential nutrients like Vitamins A, C, B-complex, iron, potassium, and zinc can come from non perishables.
  • Protein – Beans, legumes, canned fish, meat, peanut butter, and nuts supply plant-based and animal proteins.
  • Healthy fats – Nuts, seeds, olive oil, coconut, fatty fish, nut butters provide essential omega-3s and other healthy fats.
  • Blood sugar control – The fibre in non perishables helps regulate blood sugar response. This makes them useful for diabetics.
  • Unique nutrients – Special antioxidants, phytochemicals, and compounds like lycopene in canned tomatoes aren’t found in fresh foods.

Having a good supply of thoughtfully chosen non perishables makes it much easier to maintain a nutritious, balanced diet for health.

Tips for Choosing Healthy Non perishables

When shopping for non perishables, keep these tips in mind to find the most nutritious versions:

  • Low sodium – Seek out low or reduced sodium options when possible. Excess sodium is common in canned goods and linked to high blood pressure.
  • Avoid added sugars – Watch out for unnecessary added sugars in the ingredients list, especially in canned fruits packed in syrups.
  • Focus on whole grains – Choose whole grain pasta, rice, oats, crackers instead of refined grains for the fibre benefits.
  • Select items packed in water/juice – Fruits and vegetables will be healthier when canned in water or juice instead of heavy syrups.
  • Short ingredient list – Opt for fewer, recognizable ingredients and minimal processing when possible for more natural nutrition.

Making careful selections using this criteria will help build your pantry reserves of the healthiest non perishable foods possible.

Examples of Nutritious Non perishable Foods

Here are some specific examples of great non perishable options to stock up on:

Whole grains: brown rice, quinoa, steel cut oats, whole wheat pasta, air-popped popcorn

Beans/legumes: black beans, kidney beans, chickpeas, lentils

Canned fish: salmon, sardines, tuna packed in water

Nuts/dried fruit: almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, raisins, apricots

Nut butters: peanut, almond, sunflower spread

Soups/stews: low-sodium varieties with vegetables

Canned tomatoes: whole, diced, sauce, paste

Vegetables: carrots, spinach, beets, mushrooms, pumpkin

Fruits: applesauce, pineapple, peaches, pears, mandarin oranges

Oils/condiments: extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar

Spices/herbs: garlic powder, cinnamon, oregano, basil, thyme

There are healthy non perishable versions for almost any specialty diet including gluten-free, vegan, paleo, low-carb, and high protein.

Storing Non perishable Foods

To keep non perishables fresh and preserved for ongoing use, follow these storage tips:

  • Use a cool, dry pantry or cupboard if possible. Avoid warmth, sunlight, and humidity.
  • Ensure all packaging is sealed and undamaged before storing. Look for dents, cracks, or swelling.
  • Always follow best by dates and use older inventory first when possible to rotate.
  • Organize by date and food type. Group like items and keep track of dates.
  • Transfer any items in damaged packaging to airtight containers.
  • Check periodically for signs of spoilage like mould, foul odours, or spurting liquids before opening.

Proper non perishable food storage ensures you have a stable supply of shelf-stable foods to nourish your household.

Incorporating Non perishables into Meals

It’s easy to integrate non perishable ingredients into daily meal planning in many ways:

  • Use canned beans, chickpeas, lentils in salads, grain bowls, soups, stews.
  • Make overnight oats with quick oats, chia seeds, nuts, and dried fruit.
  • Add canned fish like salmon to pasta dishes, salads, sandwiches.
  • Combine beans/legumes with fresh veggies, herbs and spices for dips, spreads.
  • Use nuts, seeds, dried fruit in trail mixes or on top of oatmeal or yogurt.
  • Add canned tomatoes to sauces, stews, chili, casseroles, eggs.
  • Cook whole grains like quinoa, farro or brown rice as a base for bowls and casseroles.
  • Make pancakes, muffins and breads with oats, nut butters, dried fruit.

With a well-stocked pantry, the possibilities are endless for nutritious non perishable meals. Get creative mixing shelf-stable and fresh ingredients!


Maintaining a supply of thoughtfully chosen healthy non perishable foods provides ongoing access to stable nutrition. Ensure choices are lower in sodium, sugar, and processing but high in valuable vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Store items properly to preserve freshness long-term. A well-rounded reserve makes assembling nutritious meals quick, easy, and reliable for any situation from everyday needs to emergency preparedness.

Q&A on healthy non-perishable foods:

Q1. What are some gluten-free healthy non-perishable foods?

A: Options include rice, quinoa, beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, canned fish, dried fruit, popcorn, chickpea pasta, and coconut products.

Q2. Are frozen foods considered non-perishable?

A: No, frozen foods require freezing to remain preserved so they are perishable. Non-perishable refers to shelf-stable at room temperature.

Q3. What are good vegan sources of protein in non-perishable foods?

A: Beans, lentils, edamame, nuts, seeds, whole grains, veggie burgers, textured vegetable protein and canned jackfruit are vegan protein options.

Q4. Which nutrients are best obtained from fresh produce versus non-perishables?

A: Fresh produce provides more vitamins C, A and B9 (folic acid) which break down over time while non-perishables offer more B vitamins, iron, zinc, magnesium.

Q5. Can dehydrated and freeze dried foods be healthy non-perishable options?

A: Yes, they can retain nutrients well for non-refrigerated storage. Look for low sodium veggie, fruit, and lean meat options.

Q6. What are the best non-perishable foods for camping and hiking?

A: Lightweight, nutrient-dense choices like nuts, jerky, peanut butter, oats, shelf-stable milk, dried fruit, granola bars, and dehydrated meal pouches.

Q7. Which healthy canned vegetables should you look to stock up on?

A: Tomatoes, pumpkin, beets, carrots, spinach, mushrooms, and mixed vegetables work well canned with minimal added sodium.

Q8. How can you reduce sodium from canned beans and veggies?

A: Rinse the contents before use and opt for lower sodium or no salt added versions when possible.

Q9. Which seeds provide omega-3 fatty acids when stored as non-perishables?

A: Chia, hemp, and flax seeds are high omega-3 options with long shelf lives, especially when refrigerated.

Q10. What are the best nutritional oil options for non-perishable storage?

A: Olive, avocado, coconut, and some seed oils store well. Buy smaller bottles and check best by dates.