Welcome to the Greater World Earthship Community, a remarkable sustainable living community nestled just outside of Taos, New Mexico. This unique community spans over 300 acres of shared land and is entirely off the grid, relying solely on solar and wind power. Founded by esteemed architect Michael Reynolds, this community is a testament to eco-friendly homes and sustainable architecture.

At the Greater World Earthship Community, you’ll find a vibrant community of individuals from all around the world who share a passion for sustainable living. With a projected 20-year plan for completion, this community is continuously evolving and attracting like-minded people who are enthusiastic about treading lightly on the planet while embracing a self-sufficient lifestyle.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Greater World Earthship Community in Taos, New Mexico, is a sustainable living community that encompasses over 300 acres of shared land.
  • Founded by architect Michael Reynolds, the community is known for its eco-friendly homes and commitment to off-grid living.
  • Earthships, the homes within the community, utilize renewable energy sources like solar and wind power to be fully self-sufficient.
  • Visiting the Greater World Earthship Community offers insight into sustainable architecture and the potential for a more environmentally conscious lifestyle.
  • The community also provides opportunities for individuals to learn how to build their own Earthships through the Earthship Biotecture Academy program.

The Earthship Design Principles

When it comes to green building, renewable energy, and self-sufficiency, Earthships are at the forefront of sustainable architecture. These unique homes are defined by six fundamental design principles:

  1. Natural and Repurposed Materials: Earthships are built using natural and repurposed materials, such as old tires and recycled cans and bottles. This innovative approach not only reduces waste but also promotes sustainability in construction.
  2. Thermal and Solar Heating/Cooling Systems: Earthships utilize thermal and solar heating and cooling systems to regulate indoor temperature. Through passive solar design and clever ventilation systems, these homes maintain comfortable temperatures year-round.
  3. Solar and Wind Power: Renewable energy plays a vital role in Earthship design. Solar panels and wind turbines are used to generate electricity, making these homes self-sufficient and reducing reliance on traditional power sources.
  4. Water Harvesting Systems: Water scarcity is a growing concern, but Earthships offer a solution. These homes incorporate water harvesting systems that collect and store rainwater for various uses, such as irrigation and household needs.
  5. Contained Sewage Treatment Systems: Earthships prioritize environmental sustainability by incorporating contained sewage treatment systems. These systems process wastewater through natural methods, minimizing pollution and promoting self-sufficiency.
  6. Self-Sufficiency in Food Production: Growing your own food is a key aspect of sustainable living, and Earthships are designed to facilitate this. With built-in indoor greenhouses and space for gardening, these homes enable residents to produce their own crops and raise livestock.

These design principles are the backbone of Earthship construction, resulting in eco-friendly and self-sufficient homes that are both beautiful and functional.

A Unique Architectural Creation

sustainable architectureOne of the notable features of the Earthships in the Greater World Community is their unique architectural design. Many of the homes are single-story structures with one side built into the earth and the other side made of glass, allowing for natural light and passive solar heating. Some homes have whimsical turrets or towers, while others are more simple in design. The interiors of these homes often surprise visitors with their cosmopolitan sophistication. The construction of Earthships is a collaborative effort, with homeowners participating in the building process, reflecting their personal style and preferences.


Sustainable Living in Action

sustainable livingVisiting the Greater World Earthship Community offers a glimpse into sustainable living in action. The Earthship Visitor Center provides guided and self-guided tours where visitors can see the innovative systems and technologies at work.

“The Greater World Earthship Community showcases the power of sustainable living and serves as an inspiration for others to adopt eco-friendly practices.”

– Sarah Thompson, Sustainable Living Enthusiast

One of the key aspects of sustainable living in the community is the use of indoor greenhouses for year-round food production. These greenhouses employ passive solar heating and natural ventilation techniques, allowing residents to grow fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs even in the harshest climates.

The Earthships also feature water harvesting systems that collect rainwater and reuse it for various purposes. This not only reduces water consumption but also minimizes the strain on local water resources.

Furthermore, the community relies on solar panels to generate electricity, enabling residents to live off the grid and reduce their dependence on conventional energy sources.

To showcase the impact of sustainable energy practices, the Earthship Visitor Center offers interactive displays that demonstrate how solar power is harnessed and converted into usable electricity.

Modern Solutions for Sustainable Living

The Greater World Earthship Community incorporates cutting-edge technologies and design principles to foster sustainable living. Some of the notable features include:

  • Passive solar design, which optimizes natural light and heat to minimize energy consumption
  • Recycled and repurposed materials used in construction, reducing waste and promoting a circular economy
  • Green roofs that not only provide insulation but also create additional gardening space
  • Composting toilets that transform human waste into nutrient-rich compost, promoting sustainable waste management

These innovative solutions not only contribute to a more eco-friendly lifestyle but also serve as educational tools for visitors to learn about the importance of green building practices.

Living Off the Grid

The Greater World Earthship Community embraces off-grid living, which means that residents are not connected to municipal water and power sources. Instead, they rely on self-sustaining systems and renewable energy to meet their daily needs.

The Earthships utilize rainwater harvesting systems that collect and filter water for drinking, bathing, and irrigation. This allows residents to reduce their reliance on traditional water supplies and conserve this precious resource.

The solar panels installed on the rooftops capture sunlight and convert it into electricity, powering the homes and appliances within the community. This approach minimizes the carbon footprint and reduces dependence on fossil fuels.

Living off the grid not only promotes environmental sustainability but also empowers individuals to take control of their own resources and reduce their impact on the planet.

By adopting an off-grid lifestyle, the residents of the Greater World Earthship Community serve as a powerful example of how sustainable living and self-sufficiency can go hand in hand.

Building Your Own Earthship

Building Your Own EarthshipIf you’ve been inspired by the sustainable community and self-sufficiency of the Greater World Earthship Community, you might be considering building your own Earthship. Luckily, Earthship Biotecture, the organization behind the community, offers opportunities for individuals to learn how to construct their own sustainable homes through their Academy program.

The Academy program provides comprehensive training in green building techniques, sustainable design principles, and the specific methods used in Earthship construction. The program is designed to empower participants to create their own Earthship that aligns with their unique needs and vision.

For those who prefer a shorter timeline or have more resources to invest, Earthship Biotecture also offers construction services to build Earthships from start to finish. This option allows you to work with experienced professionals who will bring your sustainable dream home to life.

The cost and timeframe for building an Earthship can vary depending on the size and complexity of the project. However, Earthship Biotecture strives to provide options that cater to individuals with different budget levels. Whether you choose to learn the skills yourself or work with a construction team, building your own Earthship allows you to contribute to the sustainable community and embrace self-sufficiency in a tangible way.

Benefits of Building Your Own Earthship

  • Personalization: Building your own Earthship gives you the freedom to customize every aspect of your home to suit your lifestyle and preferences. From the layout and architectural design to the choice of materials and energy-efficient systems, you have complete control over the final result.
  • Sustainability: By constructing an Earthship, you actively contribute to sustainable living and green building practices. Every decision you make during the construction process can have a positive impact on the environment, reducing your carbon footprint and promoting a more eco-friendly way of life.
  • Self-Sufficiency: Earthships are designed to be self-sufficient, allowing you to reduce your reliance on external resources and live off the grid. With features like solar power, rainwater harvesting, and on-site food production, you can achieve a greater level of independence and resilience in your daily life.
  • Community Connection: Building an Earthship also provides an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for sustainable living. You can join a network of Earthship owners and enthusiasts, exchanging ideas and experiences to further enhance your sustainable journey.

“Building my own Earthship has been an incredibly rewarding experience. Not only am I living in a beautiful, energy-efficient home, but I am also part of a larger movement towards a more sustainable and self-sufficient future.” – Earthship homeowner, Sarah Thompson

Other Attractions in the Area

Taos SkiingWhile visiting the Greater World Earthship Community, there are other attractions in the area to explore. Whether you’re an outdoor enthusiast or looking for a relaxing experience, Taos has something for everyone.

Rio Grande Gorge Bridge

Offering breathtaking views of the Rio Grande River, the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge is a must-visit attraction. As one of the highest bridges in the United States, it provides a stunning vantage point to appreciate the natural beauty of the area.

Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs Resort and Spa

Located nearby, Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs Resort and Spa is the perfect place to unwind and rejuvenate. Immerse yourself in the natural hot springs and indulge in a variety of spa treatments for the ultimate relaxation experience.

Taos Mesa Brewery

For those seeking a lively nightlife experience, Taos Mesa Brewery is the place to be. Enjoy live music performances while savoring craft beers and delicious food. It’s a great spot to mingle with locals and fellow travelers.

Skiing in Taos

If you’re visiting during the winter months, don’t miss the opportunity to hit the slopes in Taos. Taos Ski Valley and other nearby resorts offer a range of trails for skiers and snowboarders of all skill levels. Experience the thrill of skiing in the picturesque mountains of Taos.

Explore the diverse attractions surrounding the Greater World Earthship Community and make the most of your visit to Taos. From the breathtaking views of the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge to the soothing hot springs and the adrenaline-pumping skiing adventures, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

Rio Grande Gorge BridgeOffers stunning views of the Rio Grande River and is one of the highest bridges in the United States.
Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs Resort and SpaProvides opportunities for relaxation and rejuvenation in natural hot springs.
Taos Mesa BreweryOffers a unique nightlife experience with live music performances.
Taos Ski ValleyKnown for its skiing opportunities, with a variety of slopes for winter sports enthusiasts.



The Greater World Earthship Community showcases the immense potential of sustainable living and eco-friendly homes. Through its innovative architectural designs and unwavering commitment to self-sufficiency, this off-grid community offers a glimpse into a greener future.

Earthships, with their use of natural and repurposed materials, renewable energy sources, and efficient waste management systems, have gained worldwide recognition. Similar communities and homes are now being built in various countries, inspired by the success of the Greater World Earthship Community.

This off-grid community serves as a role model for sustainable living, attracting individuals who are passionate about reducing their environmental impact and living in harmony with nature. By visiting the Greater World Earthship Community, one can gain a deeper understanding of sustainable architecture and the possibilities that exist for a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

As sustainable living continues to gain momentum, the Greater World Earthship Community stands as a testament to the power of eco-friendly practices and the potential for a more environmentally conscious future. Through their innovative designs and dedication to off-grid living, this community offers valuable insights into sustainable living and serves as an inspiration for others to embrace eco-friendly homes and the off-grid community lifestyle.


What is the Greater World Earthship Community?

The Greater World Earthship Community is a unique sustainable living community located just outside of Taos, New Mexico. It is a fully off-the-grid community that covers over 300 acres of shared land and relies exclusively on solar and wind power.

Who founded the Greater World Earthship Community?

The community was founded by architect Michael Reynolds, who pioneered the development of Earthships—off-the-grid homes that utilize passive solar technology, wind power, and recycled materials.

What are the design principles of Earthships?

Earthships are defined by six basic design principles: the use of natural and repurposed materials, thermal and solar heating and cooling systems, solar and wind power for electricity, water harvesting systems for collecting and storing rainwater, contained sewage treatment systems, and self-sufficiency in terms of food production.

What is unique about the architectural design of Earthships?

Many Earthships in the Greater World Community are single-story structures with one side built into the earth and the other side made of glass, allowing for natural light and passive solar heating. Some homes have whimsical turrets or towers, while others are more simple in design.

How can I visit the Greater World Earthship Community?

The Earthship Visitor Center provides guided and self-guided tours where visitors can see the innovative systems and technologies at work. The center showcases indoor greenhouses, water harvesting systems, and solar panels. These tours offer a glimpse into sustainable living in action.

Can I build my own Earthship in the Greater World Earthship Community?

Yes! The Earthship Biotecture organization offers training through its Academy program for individuals interested in learning how to construct their own sustainable homes. They also offer construction services to build Earthships from start to finish.

What are some other attractions in the area?

The area around the Greater World Earthship Community offers various attractions to explore. The Rio Grande Gorge Bridge provides stunning views of the Rio Grande River, while the Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs Resort and Spa offers natural hot springs for relaxation. Taos Mesa Brewery offers live music performances, and Taos itself is known for its skiing opportunities.

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