As someone passionate about sustainability and the environment, my journey led me to discover the incredible world of Earthships. And let me tell you, it has been truly eye-opening and inspiring. One of the places where this sustainable living concept shines is in the Greater World Earthship Community in Taos, New Mexico.

Earthship Biotecture, the company behind these innovative homes, is on a mission to change the world. Their unique designs allow people to build houses out of recycled materials like dirt-rammed tires and discarded glass bottles – transforming what many consider garbage into beautiful and environmentally friendly homes. And the best part? These homes enable residents to live completely off the electrical grid.

Key Takeaways:

  • Earthships are sustainable homes made of recycled materials like dirt-rammed tires and discarded glass bottles.
  • Earthship Biotecture aims to change the world with their efficient designs that allow for off-grid living.
  • The Greater World Earthship Community in Taos, New Mexico is the nation’s first subdivision of Earthships.
  • Living in an Earthship offers a harmonious blend of comfort and sustainability.
  • These homes not only minimize environmental impact but also provide a unique and self-sustaining lifestyle.

The Extreme Shade of Eco-Consciousness

The Earthship homes in the Greater World Earthship Community showcase extreme eco-consciousness. Every aspect of these homes, from the rooftop rainwater catching system to the indoor vegetable garden, is designed to minimize environmental impact. The use of natural and recycled materials, such as tires, glass bottles, adobe, and straw, forms the walls and arches of the Earthships. These unique homes incorporate water harvesting, solar and wind power, a contained sewage treatment system, and even food production through tropical gardens and ponds. The passive thermal heating and cooling dynamics and the integration with the natural environment make these homes visually stunning and self-sustaining.

This image showcases the eco-friendly architecture and sustainable design of Earthship homes in the Greater World Earthship Community.

Embracing Lifestyle Sustainability

renewable energy

Earthship Biotecture goes beyond using recycled and natural materials in construction to promote complete lifestyle sustainability. The Greater World Earthship Community offers not only a unique living experience but also training for those interested in building Earthships. The company also engages in humanitarian builds, providing Earthships for people in struggling countries and areas affected by natural disasters. The concept of Earthships is not only about being sustainable but also about embracing a self-sustainable lifestyle. Living in an Earthship provides the freedom from constant bills and allows individuals to live in harmony with the natural environment, without relying on traditional grid infrastructure.

Earthship Biotecture has a strong focus on education and community development. Through their training programs, they empower individuals to build self-sustaining homes using sustainable construction methods. These programs teach participants how to incorporate renewable energy systems, water harvesting techniques, and waste management practices into their Earthship construction.

The Greater World Earthship Community serves as a living example of the principles of self-sustainable living and sustainable construction. The community not only provides an opportunity to experience Earthship living firsthand but also encourages residents to actively participate in maintaining and improving their homes and the surrounding environment.

Training Programs

Earthship Biotecture offers comprehensive training programs for individuals interested in learning about sustainable construction and living. These programs cover various aspects of Earthship construction, including design, building techniques, and the integration of renewable energy systems.

Participants in the training programs gain hands-on experience by working alongside experienced builders on real Earthship construction projects. They learn the techniques and principles behind Earthship construction and gain the skills needed to build their own self-sustainable homes or assist in building Earthships for others.

Humanitarian Builds

Earthship Biotecture is committed to making sustainable construction accessible to people in need around the world. Through their humanitarian builds, they provide Earthships to communities in struggling countries and areas affected by natural disasters.

These humanitarian builds not only provide shelter to those in need but also empower communities to become self-sustainable. By embracing the principles of Earthship construction, these communities can reduce their reliance on external resources and improve their overall quality of life.

“Living in an Earthship provides the freedom from constant bills and allows individuals to live in harmony with the natural environment.”

The Freedom of Self-Sustaining Living

Living in an Earthship offers a unique sense of freedom and independence. By harnessing renewable energy sources like solar power and wind turbines, Earthship residents can generate their own electricity and reduce their dependency on the grid. Water harvesting systems collect rainwater, providing a self-sustaining water supply for daily needs.

The Earthship design incorporates passive solar techniques, utilizing the sun’s energy to naturally heat and cool the home. This reduces the need for external heating or cooling systems and further enhances the self-sustainable nature of these homes.

Furthermore, the integration of food production through indoor and outdoor gardens allows Earthship residents to grow their own fresh produce, reducing the need to rely on external food sources and minimizing their carbon footprint.

Benefits of Embracing Lifestyle Sustainability

Financial FreedomLiving in an Earthship reduces the need for constant bills, such as electricity and water, leading to long-term financial savings.
Environmental HarmonyBy embracing a self-sustainable lifestyle, Earthship residents live in harmony with the natural environment, reducing their ecological footprint.
ResilienceEarthship homes are designed to withstand natural disasters and provide self-sufficient living conditions, ensuring resilience in times of crisis.
Self-SufficiencyFrom energy generation to food production, Earthships empower individuals to meet their basic needs without relying on traditional infrastructure.
Community EngagementEarthship communities foster a sense of belonging and collaboration, promoting a collective effort towards sustainable living.

The ABCs of Earthships

70s earthship homes

Earthships in the Greater World Earthship Community follow specific principles known as the ABCs of Earthships. These principles include:

  • Using natural and recycled materials for construction
  • Water harvesting from rooftop catchment systems
  • Generating power through renewable sources like solar and wind
  • Treating sewage on-site for reuse
  • Incorporating food production through gardens and ponds

The passive solar design and thermal heating and cooling dynamics ensure a comfortable living environment, reducing the need for external sources of energy. These sustainable homes meet local building codes and offer various floor plans, from luxury mansions to studio homes, all while maintaining their commitment to environmental sustainability.

I believe that living in an Earthship provides a unique opportunity to embrace a sustainable lifestyle while enjoying the comforts of a modern home.

The Cost of Sustainable Living

recycled materials

When it comes to building sustainable homes in Colorado, the initial investment may be slightly higher compared to conventional houses. Building an Earthship, for example, may cost about 20% more per square foot. However, the long-term benefits outweigh this upfront expense.

One of the significant advantages of Earthships is their ability to eliminate the need for constant heating, cooling, and electricity bills. By harnessing natural resources like passive solar design, renewable energy systems, and rainwater harvesting, Earthships become financially and environmentally sustainable in the long run.

The Earthship model incorporates all the necessary systems to make the home self-sufficient, reducing reliance on public utilities and fossil fuels. This level of autonomy not only provides homeowners with peace of mind but also contributes to a greener future.

Moreover, Earthships focus on using natural and recycled materials, such as tires, glass bottles, and adobe, which further enhances their sustainability. The incorporation of artistic aesthetics, like colored glass bottles and unique tile designs, adds to the overall appeal of these homes while staying true to the principles of green building.

Living in a sustainable home not only benefits the environment but also the homeowners themselves. By choosing sustainable homes in Colorado, individuals are making a conscious effort to reduce their carbon footprint and live in harmony with nature.

Investing in a sustainable home is an investment in the future. While the upfront cost may be higher, the long-term savings and environmental impact make sustainable homes a worthwhile choice.

My Earthship Dream

earthship colorado

Even though my Earthship dream has been put on hold due to financial constraints and other priorities in life, my passion for living in a sustainable structure remains alive. I have visited the Greater World Earthship Community multiple times, and each visit reaffirms the benefits and appeal of sustainable living. The ecological advantages of producing your own power through solar energy, harvesting rainwater, and utilizing passive-solar and geothermal designs are undeniable. The concept of Earthships aligns with the future of home-building and offers the potential for a self-sustaining and environmentally conscious lifestyle.

Advantages of Earthships
1. Independence from traditional grid infrastructure
2. Energy self-sufficiency through solar power
3. Harvesting rainwater for multiple uses
4. Utilizing passive-solar and geothermal designs
5. Embracing a sustainable and environmentally conscious lifestyle

The Earthship concept offers individuals the opportunity to reduce their carbon footprint, save money on utilities, and live in harmony with nature. It’s not just about building a house; it’s about embracing a whole new way of living and connecting with the environment.

My Vision for the Future

Despite the current obstacles, my Earthship dream continues to inspire me. I envision a future where Earthships are not just a niche concept but a widely accepted and accessible option for sustainable living. I hope to see more communities like the Greater World Earthship Community in Colorado that promote and exemplify the principles of self-sustainable architecture. While I may not know when or how my Earthship dream will become a reality, I remain committed to actively participating in the sustainable building movement and advocating for a greener, more environmentally friendly future.

In the next section, I will explore my re-engagement with the Earthship community in my area and the progress being made towards building an Earthship village near Colorado Springs.

Re-engaging with the Earthship Community

Despite the hiatus in pursuing my Earthship dream, I am re-engaging with the Earthship community in my area. I have recently connected with individuals involved in building an Earthship village near Colorado Springs and have interviewed the project manager to learn more about their challenges and progress.

The Earthship community continues to inspire and motivate me, and I am determined to live in a sustainable structure in the future, whether it be an Earthship or a similar concept. Earthships offer a path towards a more sustainable and independent way of living.

Earthship Village Progress Update

The Earthship Village near Colorado Springs is a visionary project that aims to create a sustainable community where residents can live harmoniously with nature. The project manager shared with me the incredible progress they have made so far. Here are some key highlights:

Community FeaturesProgress
Infrastructure Development80% completed
Earthship Construction15 homes completed, 10 homes under construction
Permaculture GardensEstablished with various fruits and vegetables
Renewable Energy SystemsSolar panels installed on all completed homes
Community CenterDesign phase in progress

The Earthship Village project is creating a close-knit community focused on sustainable living and shared values. It is encouraging to see how this community is thriving and making strides towards a more eco-friendly future.

“Living in an Earthship not only benefits the individual but also contributes to the sustainability of the planet. The Earthship Village project aims to create a blueprint for sustainable communities worldwide.” – Project Manager

As I continue my journey towards living in a sustainable structure, I find solace in re-engaging with the Earthship community. The knowledge, support, and inspiration I receive from this community fuel my determination to make my dream a reality. Together, we can create a brighter, greener future for generations to come.


My personal journey with Earthships began several years ago, and I firmly believe that Earthships and the principles they embody will play a significant role in the future of home-building. The combination of sustainable design, renewable energy, and self-sufficiency offers a compelling solution to the environmental and socioeconomic challenges we face today.

Living in an Earthship Colorado represents a lifestyle that is not only environmentally friendly but also financially and personally fulfilling. By embracing sustainable construction, we take a step towards a greener and more sustainable future. These innovative homes not only minimize our ecological impact but also provide a sense of pride and satisfaction for homeowners who strive to live in harmony with nature.

As we navigate the pressing need for more sustainable housing solutions, Earthships offer a promising alternative. Their use of recycled materials, renewable energy sources, and self-sufficient systems sets a new standard for eco-friendly architecture. By adopting the principles of Earthship construction, we can build homes that are not only beautiful and functional but also promote a healthier and more sustainable planet. Earthships in Colorado and beyond serve as a testament to our ability to create spaces that harmonize with the environment, providing a brighter future for generations to come.


What is an Earthship?

An Earthship is a sustainable home made of recycled materials like dirt-rammed tires and discarded glass bottles. These homes are designed to minimize environmental impact and allow residents to live off the electrical grid.

What are the main features of an Earthship home?

Earthship homes incorporate various eco-friendly features such as water harvesting from rooftop catchment systems, renewable power generation through solar and wind, on-site sewage treatment for reuse, and food production through gardens and ponds. The passive solar design and thermal heating and cooling dynamics make these homes visually stunning and self-sustaining.

How is the Greater World Earthship Community promoting sustainability?

The Greater World Earthship Community in Taos, New Mexico, is the nation’s first subdivision of Earthships. It showcases extreme eco-consciousness through its use of natural and recycled materials for construction, integration with the natural environment, and self-sustaining features like renewable power and water harvesting.

How does living in an Earthship benefit the environment?

Living in an Earthship reduces reliance on public utilities and fossil fuels. The use of recycled and natural materials, along with energy-efficient design principles, minimizes the environmental impact. Earthships also promote sustainable living by incorporating features like water conservation and food production.

Are Earthships expensive to build?

Building an Earthship may initially cost more than a conventional house, with an approximate 20% higher cost per square foot. However, the long-term benefits of reduced heating, cooling, and electricity bills make them financially and environmentally sustainable in the long run.

Are Earthships suitable for all types of homes?

Earthships offer various floor plans, ranging from luxury mansions to studio homes. They can be tailored to meet specific design preferences while maintaining their commitment to environmental sustainability.

How can I get involved with the Earthship community?

The Greater World Earthship Community offers training for those interested in building Earthships. Additionally, you can connect with local Earthship projects and organizations to learn more about their initiatives and join the sustainable living movement.

Why are Earthships considered the future of home-building?

Earthships combine sustainable designs, renewable energy, and self-sufficiency to provide a compelling solution to environmental and socioeconomic challenges. They offer a path towards a greener and more sustainable future, embracing a holistic approach to sustainable living.

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